[2020/05 – Cleanser] Recommendation for Wishtrend’s Cruelty Free Week

If you’re new to Wishtrend, I’m from, Klairs and you are looking for products to buy during their big “Cruelty Free Week” (May 25th – May 31st (CST)), here are my recommendation.

Since I have oily-combination skin, and sometimes, I do experience acne, my recommended list will be leaning towards people who have similar skin type like me. Since there are so many products on my list, we will briefly go over each instead of going in with to much details. (Check out my old posts if you want a detailed review)

The first category that I want to touch on is CLEANSER. Two cleansers that I’ll introduce are the By Wishtrend: Acid-Duo 2% Mild Gel Cleanser and By Wishtrend: Green Tea & enzyme powder wash.  

By Wishtrend: Acid-Duo 2% Mild Gel Cleanser

Notable ingredients: 

  • Capryloyl Salicylic Acid (LHA): great for oil control, acne, and exfoliation.
  • Gluconolactone (PHA):  gentle for exfoliating and hydrating the skin.

Why this is my recommendation ?

The packaging comes in an opaque plastic bottle with a pink pump on top, so it’s quite easy to control the amount of product you want to use. Like the name applies, it’s a clear gel consistency cleanser. When contacting with lukewarm water, it doesn’t create much bubbles. I do think this a great point because less bubbles means the product will less likely dry out our skin.

  • I have been using this for months now, and I would say it suits with my skin type. I like to reach out to this product during the day time. My recommendation is to use this for 2-3 times a week since it’s a chemical cleanser, and we don’t want to wipe away the amount of hydration the skin needs. After washing off with lukewarm water, my skin didn’t tighten at all. The amount of excess oily secreted after using this during the day time seemed to lower a little bit. I feel like it has some kind of scent but it’s not really noticeable. I usually have lots of dead skin cells around the T-zone (especially around the tip of my nose), and this cleanser did a great job in exfoliating those.

By Wishtrend: Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash

Notable ingredients:

  • Green tea powder: antioxidant, calming and improving skin tone.
  • Papain: Eliminates proteolytic enzymes, old keratin, and skin wastes to improve the skin texture.
  • Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda):  gentle scrub agent, great for removing blackheads and improving skin texture.
  • Amino acid surfactants: excellent moisture retention.

Why this is my recommendation?

  • First of all, it has a really great green tea scent – exactly like having a cup a matcha latte. I reached out to this during my morning and night time skin care routine. When mixing the powder with lukewarm water, the consistency turned milky. This product is a gentle exfoliator, so it is great for maintaining soft and smooth surface. Since those flaky skins were being removed, my pores were less likely to clog, and the amount of oil secretion decreased as well.
  • Overall, this is a really really great enzyme powder wash in the market that I really recommend you guys to check out. I didn’t experience break out or irritation during the time using this.

That’s it for today. For part 2, I’ll be introducing my recommended toner, essence and serum. Remember to check it out!